Vitruvius, M. Vitruvii ... de architectura libri decem, ad Augustum Caesarem accuratiß conscripti: & nunc primum in Germania qua potuit diligentia excusi, atq[ue] hinc inde schematibus non iniucundis exornati

Table of handwritten notes

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    <echo version="1.0RC">
      <text xml:lang="la" type="free">
        <div xml:id="echoid-div51" type="section" level="1" n="50">
          <note position="right" xml:space="preserve">
            <pb file="0043" n="43" rhead="INDEX."/>
          # Ordinaria # 52.
          Organum # 123. 124. 144: 228:
          Organicæres # 8:
          Oriens # 109. 113:
          Ornatus # 131.
          Ornatio # 131.
          Ornithiæ uent. # 28:
          Orizon # 144: 221:
          Orthographia # 10.
          Orthogonium tignum # 245.
          Orthoſtata # 49: 256:
          # Oſtium # 109: 153:
          Oſtiarij # 160:
          Oſtrum # 177: 153.
          Ouile # 159.
          Ouum aceto maceratum # 196.
        <div xml:id="echoid-div52" type="section" level="1" n="51">
          <head xml:id="echoid-head55" xml:space="preserve">P</head>
          <note position="right" xml:space="preserve">
          PALEA # 39. 43: 170. 258.
          Pagmentum # 111.
          Palatio # 62:
          Palæſtra # 139.:
          Palmus # 12. 39: 72.: 73. 129. 175.
          Palmeatabula # 257.
          Palmas tribuere # 205:
          Palmare foramen # 160.
          Palmipedalis, e. # 257:
          Palus, li. # 63. 84. 190. 230:
          Palialnei # 84. 140:
          Palioleaginei # 84. 140:
          Palireſupinati # 230:
          Palirobuſtei # 841: 40:
          Paludes gallicæ, ponticæ # 17.
          Paluſtris abundantia # 134.
          Paluſtris regio # 121:
          Paluſter locus # 61: 84. 193:
          Pandare # 163.
          Pandatio # 169: 170:
          Pandus # 63:
          Panſipedes # 71.
          Panſæ manus # 71.
          # Parallelos linea # 128: 131: 132. 222.
          Paralyſis # 192:
          Parameſe # 124: 127: 126.
          Paranete # 124: 127: 145.
          Paranete hyperboleon # 124: 127:
          Paraisete ſynemmenon # 124: 127:
          Parapegmata # 220:
          Paraſtata # 102: 119: 250. 253.
          Paraſtaticon # 224:
          Parergon # 224:
          Parætonium # 179.
          Paries # 19. 34: 37. 48: 49: 53: 54: 56. 59:
          # 60. 73: 77. 84. 88. 103. 108. 111: 112:
          # 113: 119: 121. 125: 134:
          Paries cementitius # 59:
          Paries cratitius # 60.
          Paries euanidus # 49:
          Paries luto inquinatus # 274.
          Paries ſidens # 39:
          Parhypate # 124: 127:
          Parhypate hypaton # 124: 127:
          Parhypate meſon # 124: 127:
          Parma # 238.
          Partitio # 113:
          Particula # 93.
          # Paſſus # 28:
          Pauimentũ # 60: 109: 137. 154. 169: 170:
          Pauimentatus porticus # </note>