Vitruvius, M. Vitruvii ... de architectura libri decem, ad Augustum Caesarem accuratiß conscripti: & nunc primum in Germania qua potuit diligentia excusi, atq[ue] hinc inde schematibus non iniucundis exornati

Table of figures

< >
[Figure 41]
[Figure 42]
[Figure 43]
[Figure 44]
[Figure 45]
[46] K. Acro-tetia. I. Tympa num. A. Sima. B. Coro-na. C. Denti-culus. D. Zopho rus. E. Cymati um. F. Tertia faſcia. G. Secun-da faſcia. H. prima faſcia. A B C D E F G H I K
[Figure 47]
[48] Covír@@@ Jo@@@@
[49] Do@@ca @@@fana
[50] Copofied
[51] A. Abacus B. Craßi-tudo imi ſcapi colũ næ. C. Craßi-tudo hypo trachelij. D. Contra ctura frõ-tis abaci. A B C D
[52] A. Modu-lus ex imi ſcapicolũ næ ſum-ptus. B. Voluta. C. Folium. D. Flos. E. Caulicu li. F. Abacus F D F B E E B C C C C A A
[Figure 53]
[Figure 54]
[Figure 55]
[Figure 56]
[Figure 57]
[Figure 58]
[59] Proslambano-menos. Hypate hypaton Parhypate hypaton Lichanos hypaton Hypate meſon Parhypate meſon Lichanos meſon Meſe Trite ſynemmenon Paranete ſynemmenon Nete ſynemmenon Parameſe Trite diezeugmenon Paranete diezeugmenon Nete diezeugmenon Trite hyperboleon Paranete hyperboleon Nete hyperboleon BT AH C T D T E AH T F T H AT T S T H AT T H AT T
[Figure 60]
[61] A B C D
[Figure 62]
[Figure 63]
[Figure 64]
[Figure 65]
[Figure 66]
[Figure 67]
[Figure 68]
[Figure 69]
[Figure 70]
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page |< < of 373 > >|
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        <div xml:id="echoid-div51" type="section" level="1" n="50">
          <note position="right" xml:space="preserve">
            <pb file="0043" n="43" rhead="INDEX."/>
          # Ordinaria # 52.
          Organum # 123. 124. 144: 228:
          Organicæres # 8:
          Oriens # 109. 113:
          Ornatus # 131.
          Ornatio # 131.
          Ornithiæ uent. # 28:
          Orizon # 144: 221:
          Orthographia # 10.
          Orthogonium tignum # 245.
          Orthoſtata # 49: 256:
          # Oſtium # 109: 153:
          Oſtiarij # 160:
          Oſtrum # 177: 153.
          Ouile # 159.
          Ouum aceto maceratum # 196.
        <div xml:id="echoid-div52" type="section" level="1" n="51">
          <head xml:id="echoid-head55" xml:space="preserve">P</head>
          <note position="right" xml:space="preserve">
          PALEA # 39. 43: 170. 258.
          Pagmentum # 111.
          Palatio # 62:
          Palæſtra # 139.:
          Palmus # 12. 39: 72.: 73. 129. 175.
          Palmeatabula # 257.
          Palmas tribuere # 205:
          Palmare foramen # 160.
          Palmipedalis, e. # 257:
          Palus, li. # 63. 84. 190. 230:
          Palialnei # 84. 140:
          Palioleaginei # 84. 140:
          Palireſupinati # 230:
          Palirobuſtei # 841: 40:
          Paludes gallicæ, ponticæ # 17.
          Paluſtris abundantia # 134.
          Paluſtris regio # 121:
          Paluſter locus # 61: 84. 193:
          Pandare # 163.
          Pandatio # 169: 170:
          Pandus # 63:
          Panſipedes # 71.
          Panſæ manus # 71.
          # Parallelos linea # 128: 131: 132. 222.
          Paralyſis # 192:
          Parameſe # 124: 127: 126.
          Paranete # 124: 127: 145.
          Paranete hyperboleon # 124: 127:
          Paraisete ſynemmenon # 124: 127:
          Parapegmata # 220:
          Paraſtata # 102: 119: 250. 253.
          Paraſtaticon # 224:
          Parergon # 224:
          Parætonium # 179.
          Paries # 19. 34: 37. 48: 49: 53: 54: 56. 59:
          # 60. 73: 77. 84. 88. 103. 108. 111: 112:
          # 113: 119: 121. 125: 134:
          Paries cementitius # 59:
          Paries cratitius # 60.
          Paries euanidus # 49:
          Paries luto inquinatus # 274.
          Paries ſidens # 39:
          Parhypate # 124: 127:
          Parhypate hypaton # 124: 127:
          Parhypate meſon # 124: 127:
          Parma # 238.
          Partitio # 113:
          Particula # 93.
          # Paſſus # 28:
          Pauimentũ # 60: 109: 137. 154. 169: 170:
          Pauimentatus porticus # </note>