Vitruvius, M. Vitruvii ... de architectura libri decem, ad Augustum Caesarem accuratiß conscripti: & nunc primum in Germania qua potuit diligentia excusi, atq[ue] hinc inde schematibus non iniucundis exornati

Table of handwritten notes

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1153INDEX. Thraſcias uent. # 28: Tholus # 113. 177. Thuribulum # 219. Thurifera arbor # 194: # Tignũ # 102: 103. 120: 147: 164. 244. Tignum bipedale # 120: Tignum compactum # 120: Tignum quadratum # 157: Tignum tranſuer ſarium # 259. Tignum prominens # 103. Tignum cardinatum # 259. Tilia # 62: Tinca # 63: 65. 140: 157. # Tomex # 172. Tomice # 172: Tonus # 251. 124. 128. Tona # 224: Topiarium opus: # 131: Tophus # 45. 46: 201. Topia # 176. Topiorum uarietas # 176. Torcular # 159. 228: Tornus # 124: 211: 224: Torus # 86: 87. 112. 256. Torulus # 61. 62. Torus ſuperior # 76: Torus inferior # 76: # Trabs # 36. 66: 81: 102: 112. 119: 120: Trabicula # 259. Trabes euerganeæ # 121. Trabes cardinati # 257: Trabes compactiles # 112. Tractatio # 8: Tractabilitas # 63. Tractorium machinæ genus # 228: Tractoriaratio # 236: Traiectio # 66: Traiectura # 112: Tranſtra # 36. 103. 121. 259. Tranſtilla # 139: Tranſuerſa # 20: 125: Tranſuerſarius # 60. 174. Tranſuerſario frons # 253: Tranſuerſaria colligata # 238: Tranſuerſaria confixa # 245. Tranſuerſaria compacta # 199: Tranſuerſarij cardines # 250. Tributim, aduerb. # 135. Tribunal # 112: 119: 131. Trichalca # 73. Triclinium # 149: 154: 157. Triclinia uerna # 157. Triclinia hyberna # 157. Triclinia autumnalia # 157. Triclinia æſtiua # 157. Triclinia Cizicena # 154: 161. Triglyphus # 12. 12: 94. 103.: 104.: 105.: # 106. 153: Trigonum # 8. 128: 131: 144: 206. 213: Trigonus uerſatilis # 131. Triplinthius paries # 59: Triens # 72: Trientalis materia # 235. Triton # 25. Trite diezeugmenon # 124: 127: Trite hyperbolæon # 124: 127: Trite ſynemmenon # 124: 127: Triſpaſtos # 230:

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