Vitruvius, De architectura libri decem, 1567

Table of figures

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[111] Orthographia meſolabij Architæ.
[112] Demonſtratio Eratoſtbenis. a g t cb f b d
[113] Instrumentum Eratoſthenis. m a x g n b c n i o l v q p b e f k d
[114] Vſ{us} demonſtratio Eratoſtbenis cum inſtrumento. a h n ek l i o d b 8 m c 4
[115] Inſtrumentum Platonis. f i n o m
[116] cubus. 8 8 64 8 8 8 8 512 8s e
[117] Demonstratio Archita. p l k b o i m b e d af
[118] Demonctration Platonis. d e b c g
[119] Demostratio ter tiæ proprietatis, & aſſumptionis Nicomedis.instrumentum Nicomedis. f h d g b s n m k a
[120] Duplicatio cubi. e a b c d f g
[121] Dimonctratio prrima proprie tatis. s n m l k
[122] Vſus inſtrume ti Nicomedis & eius demő ſtratio. l e b c g f a k h i
[123] h
[124] b d c e f g
[125] a b c e d
[126] Secunda proprietas lineæ flexæ.f n e b g i d m k c
[127] a. centrum mundi.b. oculus in ſuperficie terræc. ſydus.d. uertex.b c a. angulus diuerſitatis. c d 6 a
[128] a b deferens.c. deferentis centrum.d e. epicyclus.a. centrum epicycli.f. mundi centrum.a. iugum deferentis.b. antiiugum.d. iugum epicycli. d a e c s b
[129] a b g. concentricum.d. eius centrum.e z b. eccentricum.t. eius centrum.k z. epicyclus.b. eius centrum.d t. b z. œquales.t z. d b. œquales.motus { concentrici b d a. \\ epicycli k b z. \\ eccentrici z t e. \\ anguli œquales Sol utroque modo uidetur in z. per li-neam d z. e a t d b z b k
[130] a b g. eccentricum.d. eius centrum.e. centrum mundi.a d g. linea ingi.b. centrm Solis.e z. linea medij motus parallela li-neœ b d.c b. linea ueri motus.b e z. angulus œquatio. z b a d e
[131] a b g. concentricum. d. eius centrũ.t z. eccentricum.h. eius centrum.e z. epicyclus.g. eius centrum.d b. & g z. œquales.d z. parallelogrammum.motus {concentrici a d g. \\ epicycli e g z. \\ eccentrici t b z. uet t dg. \\ iugieccentric. a d t. anguli t b z. & e g z. œqua-les ſunt.angulus a d g. œqualis augulis. {adt. \\ adg. f n b a d o k
[132] b k epicyclus.b. centrum eius.h. uigum.n. Antijugum epicycli.k. punctũ primœ morœ.c. mundi centrum.o. punctũ ſecundæ morœ.h l k. arcus primœ mo rœ.k n o. arcus regreſſus-o b k. arcus directio-nis. L K A H B N O C
[133] Porfioni del cerchio che fannoſe s̃teſſe torno dlaTramòntanaTram ontanaSlmiſifudineTramonſangCarro che uoſge infomoalla Framonlana
[134] a b c d f
[135] A. ſectio parabole.B. vestigium. C. parabole.G. ſectio ellipſis.D. ſectio hyperbole.E. vestigium F. hyperbole. a f a f 1 f f f 1 2 1 1 2 3 2 2 3 4 3 3 4 5 4 4 5 6 C 5 5 6 F 7 A 6 6 8 7 8 7 7 D 8 9 8 8 9 10 11 10 10 11 11 11 11 b 12 g e d b e h d gf g b 6 7 3 1 2 4 6 8 10c g b E a 11 9 7 3 3 1 d 2 4 6 8 10 e ha f 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 a b c d 9 8 7 6 3 2 1 f b a H d g 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ff 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 g
[136] m q 0 s k h c b s n L I p q s
[137] Il polo.cqiunot.orizonte c e b a f
[138] l n k mcridl. parte delverno E e h a s i 9 8 7 6 5della jtate 4 3 parte g h f x lacato manaco b r c linca del.piano t
[140] 11 ſ x d 11 p k 1 2 1 2 3 4 5f 6 r 11 10 9 8 7 n f m 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 1 02 3 4 1g c 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 e 11 10 9 8 7 q b o
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              ſuſtinentes canterium, & </s>
              <s xml:id="echoid-s12726" xml:space="preserve">porticuum, ( quæ ſunt ſubmiſſa infra teſtudínem ) tecta.</s>
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              <s xml:id="echoid-s12728" xml:space="preserve">Supra priores paraſtatas aliæ pedum 18. </s>
              <s xml:id="echoid-s12729" xml:space="preserve">altit udine impoſitæ erant. </s>
              <s xml:id="echoid-s12730" xml:space="preserve">latæ binum pedum, ut ea ratio ſerua-
              retur, qua ſuperiora graciliora ſint inferioribus, ideo etiam craſſæ erant pedem unum, cum inferiores altio-
              res, craßiores, & </s>
              <s xml:id="echoid-s12731" xml:space="preserve">latiores eſſent. </s>
              <s xml:id="echoid-s12732" xml:space="preserve">hæ parastatæ excipiebant trabes, quæ ſustinebant cantherium, & </s>
              <s xml:id="echoid-s12733" xml:space="preserve">porti-
              cuum tecta, quæ erant ſubmiſſa infra teſtudinem, unde tecta ſuperioris porticus erant inferiora ſummæ teſtu-
              dini. </s>
              <s xml:id="echoid-s12734" xml:space="preserve">nam & </s>
              <s xml:id="echoid-s12735" xml:space="preserve">hoc ex altitudine columnarum, & </s>
              <s xml:id="echoid-s12736" xml:space="preserve">paraſtatarum colligitur, nam inferiores parastatæ altæ pe-
              des 20, & </s>
              <s xml:id="echoid-s12737" xml:space="preserve">ſuperiores 18, non amplius quàm pedes 38, in altitudine continebant, ſed columnæ cum ca-
              pitulis erant altæ pedes quinquaginta.</s>
              <s xml:id="echoid-s12738" xml:space="preserve"/>
            <figure number="65">
              <caption xml:id="echoid-caption24" style="it" xml:space="preserve">Lateris Laſilicæ orthographia, cuius ſignum A, cum ſigno B præcedentis
              diagrammatis coniungendum.</caption>
              <variables xml:id="echoid-variables39" xml:space="preserve">A</variables>
            <note position="left" xml:space="preserve">10</note>
            <note position="left" xml:space="preserve">20</note>
            <note position="left" xml:space="preserve">30</note>
            <note position="left" xml:space="preserve">40</note>
            <note position="left" xml:space="preserve">50</note>
              <s xml:id="echoid-s12739" xml:space="preserve">
                <emph style="sc">Reliqva</emph>
              ſpatia inter paraſtatarum, & </s>
              <s xml:id="echoid-s12740" xml:space="preserve">columnarum trabes, per intercolumnia luminibus ſunt
              relicta. </s>
              <s xml:id="echoid-s12741" xml:space="preserve"># Ideſt inter tectum porticus ſuperioris, & </s>
              <s xml:id="echoid-s12742" xml:space="preserve">ſummam teſtudinem, quod erat reliquum altitudinis,
              luminibus eſt relictum.</s>
              <s xml:id="echoid-s12743" xml:space="preserve"/>
              <s xml:id="echoid-s12744" xml:space="preserve">
                <emph style="sc">Colvmnae</emph>
              ſunt in latitudine teſtudinis cum angularibus dextra, ac ſiniſtra, quaternæ: </s>
              <s xml:id="echoid-s12745" xml:space="preserve">in longitu-
              dine, quæ eſt in foro proxima cum ijſdem angularibus 8, & </s>
              <s xml:id="echoid-s12746" xml:space="preserve">altera parte cum angularibus 6, ideo
              quod mediæ duæ in ea parte non ſunt poſitæ, ne impediant aſpctus pronai ædis Auguſti, quæ eſt in
              medio latere parietis baſilicæ collocata, ſpectans medium forum, & </s>
              <s xml:id="echoid-s12747" xml:space="preserve">ædem Iouis.</s>
              <s xml:id="echoid-s12748" xml:space="preserve"/>
            <note position="left" xml:space="preserve">60</note>