Vitruvius, De architectura libri decem, 1567

Table of handwritten notes

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[Handwritten note 45]
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[Handwritten note 43]
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[Handwritten note 49]
[Handwritten note 50]
[Handwritten note 51]
[Handwritten note 52]
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[Handwritten note 45]
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page |< < (167) of 412 > >|
199167QVINTVS.67[Figure 67]In orthog ra-
phia uero colum
næ I, paraſta-
tæ 20, pedum,
2. prima porti-
cus contignatio
3. ſuperiores pa
raſtatæ 18. pe-
dum 4. trabes
cantherium ſu-
stinentes tecti
porticus, quæ eſt
inferior teſtudini
5. columnæ e-
rant Corinthiæ,
trabes ex tribus
tignis bipedali-
bus compactæ e-
piſtylij loco poſi-
tæ 6, pilæ tri-
bus pedibus al-
tæ, quaternis
quoquo uerſus
latæ loco Zopho
ri 7, aliæ tra-
bes euerganeæ
coronicis loco æ-
diſicium præcin-
gentes 8, pa-
ries porticus cir
ca baſilicam 9,
pluteum primæ
porticus conti-
gnationis 10.
Lumina, o, tecta
1 0 1 10 0 8 7 6 1 4 2 5 3

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