Vitruvius, De architectura libri decem, 1567

Table of handwritten notes

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84[Figure 84]
Scena eſt frons theatri, ab ea æque diſtans, & parallelos linea ducatur, quæ per centrum tranſeat, & ſepa-
ret, diſiungatq́;
pulpitum, idest locum altorem in quo actores recitant, ab orchestra, idestab eo loco, qui m
medio theatri planus erat, in quo ſubſellia ſenatorum collocabantur.
Aliàs orcheſtra choro, & muſicis da-
batur, ſcena uero actoribus.
cum igitur in circulo quatuor trigona deſcripſeris, quæ angulis circumferentiam
tangant, &
eam in duodecim partes æquas diuidant, acceperis unum ex lateribus pro ſcenæ fronte, & illi late-
ri æquidiſtantem lineam duxeris, quæ per centrum ducatur, ea linea, quæ &
diametros erit ſeparabis

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