Vitruvius, De architectura libri decem, 1567

Table of handwritten notes

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350318LIBER ſignum i. circunferentia a i. meridiana dabit arcum latitudinis. idem facies in excipiendis alijs aliarum
horarum circunfcrentijs:
erit itaq; a u. circunferentia meridiana horæ tertiæ, & nonæ. a l. horæ quartæ
octauæ. a r. quintæ & ſeptimæ: Sed dextra quæ eſt meridiana in id plano minime cadit, nam ipſum idem
planum eſt.
Cæterum ectemoriæ circunferentiæ ad altitudinem Solis, & longitudinem umbræ excipiendam.
154[Figure 154]Horologia in plano æquinoctialis.d b 5 6 7 4 8 9 3 g f k L @ m 2 10 l 8 1 11 a e b B L 1 f k m h @ z r s 1 n 11 A 2 1 10 12 3 9 11 1 4 8 10 1 2 5 6 7 b d 9 3 8 4 7 5 6 c 6 7 5 8 4 9 3 18 17 16 10 2 16 17 18 19 11 12 1 19 20 14 14 20 21 13 13 21 22 12 12 22 23 11 23 24 24 14 14 23 15
23 22 15 22 16 16 21 17 21 20 19 18 17 18 19 20
11102220333044405550 ita comparantur.
ſit centrum n. ſpatium uero. n. 11. & 1. uertatur aliud circini crus ad meridianum
ubi erunt 11.
& 1. circunferentia inter 11. & 1. et o. ſignum intercepta, erit ectemoria circunfe.
rentia primæ, & undecimæ. poſito iterum centro n. & interuallo n. 10. & 2. firmo in n. circino

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