I Dieci Libri dell' Architettvra di M. Vitrvvio
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Table of figures
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[81] ArmonicoChromatico molleChromatico non languid@Diatonico molle.Molle intentoEgualeSintonoDiatonico. 92 216 1{1/4} 69 345 1{1/23} 15 360 1{1/45} 8 368 70 210 1{1/15} 42 252 1{1/14} 18 270 1{1/27} 10 280 22 66 1{1/6} 11 77 1{1/11} 7 84 1{1/21} 4 88 21 63 1{1/7} 9 72 1{1/9} 8 80 1{1/20} 4 84 56 168 1{1/8} 21 189 1{1/7} 27 216 1{1/27} 8 224 3 9 1{1/9} 1 10 1{1/10} 1 11 1{1/11} 5 12 24 72 1{1/9} 8 80 1{1/8} 10 90 1{1/15} 6 96 64 192 1{1/8} 24 216 1{1/8} 27 243 hem 13 2@6
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[82] VniſſonoTuono.Semituono.Ditono.Semiditono. A C B
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[83] Diat.Diat.Diateſ.Diapen.Diateſ.Diapaſon.Proslamuano-menos.Lycanos Hypa ton.Lycanos Me-ſon.Paranete ſinne menon.Paranete Die-Zeugmenon.Paranete Hy-perboleon.Meſe.Terza Regione data al Diatonico.Diat.Diat.Diateſ.Diapen.Diateſ.Diapaſon.Proslamuano-menos.Lycanos Hypa ton.Lycanos me-ſon.Paranete Sin-nemenon.Paranete Die-Zeugmenon.Paranete Hy-perboleon.Diateſ.Diapente.Diat.Diat.Diat.Diapente.Diateſ.Parameſe.Parhypate hypaton.Parhypate Meſon.Trite Sinne menon.trite Dieze ugmenon.Trite Hyper boleon.Seconda Regione Data al Chroma.Hypate Hypaton.Diateſ.Diapente.Parameſe.Parhypate Hypaton.Parhypate Meſon.Trite Sinne-menon.Trite Dieze-ugmenon.Trite Hyper boboleon.Diateſ.Diateſ.Tonus.Diat.Diateſ.Diateſſaron. Hypate meſon Meſe.Nete Synne-menonParameſe.Nete Diezeug menon.Nete Hyper-boleon.Prima Regione data all’Harmonia.DiateſDiat.Tonus.Diateſ.Diateſ.Hypate meſon. Meſe.Nete Sinneme-non.Parameſe.Nete Diazeug menon.Nete Hyperbo leon.
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[Figure 84]
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[Figure 85]
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[Figure 86]
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[Figure 87]
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[Figure 88]
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[89] C G D P O E B F
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[90] E B C D F A
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[Figure 91]
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[92] B G F A H I M M E M C
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[93] Z Y Q Q O Q Q T
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[Figure 94]
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[Figure 95]
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[Figure 96]
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[97] A
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[Figure 98]
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[99] L’Antico.Filandro.
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[Figure 100]
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[101] B il Capo della Fonte.B c la prima MiraC d la ſeconda mira drieto al monteD e la terza doue non ſi può con durreD f. la quarta doue ſi può con-durreH g f. la condutta dell’acqua. e d f c g b H
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[102] COROBATE DA LIVELLAR LE ACQVE E I PIANI.1 Regola di piedi 20.2 gli Anconi ò Braccia.3 Trauerſarij. 2 1 3 2
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[Figure 103]
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[104] a c 10 50 d 50 50 50 10 50 d b
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[105] a 5 d b c 5 7{1/14} 25
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[106] e 6 f 8 10 84 g h
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[Figure 107]
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[108] 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 3 4 5 3 4 5
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[109] 8 8 8 8 64 8 8 8
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[110] a g i c b f h d e
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